Thursday, January 31, 2013

GIS4043 Lab 3; Cartography

The first map I created shows Mexico’s population per state. To make this map we created a new layer by singling out the Mexican States. The color scale I have chosen is a graduated scale of yellows browns and oranges which I think depict the population classes effectively. 

The second map is a Map of Mexico which focuses on its large cities, cities with over one million people, and the major transportation features around them. I enjoyed learning how to select only certain classes of features to be displayed on the map. I must have missed an essential step early on because this map gave me quite a bit of trouble.  

The last map for lab 3 depicts the topography of Mexico in meters. This map gave us our first opportunity to work with raster data in GIS4043. We were able to see how different the properties are.  

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