Wednesday, March 20, 2013

GIS4043: Data Search

In this weeks Data Search lab we worked on downloading data from online sources, data management, selecting graphic projections, and re-projecting data. This lab allowed for a lot of creative freedom both in selection of data and how that data was to be displayed. From the data required I created two maps which ended up having an “invasive plant theme”

The Required “Public Lands” data I downloaded was State Parks in Martin County. Then, the two required environmental layer I downloaded were 1) Invasive Plants and 2) Wetlands.

Because the invasive plants and wetlands made the map overwhelming and unreadable I did a definition query to limit my selections. The wetlands layer had water sources other than wetlands so I preformed a definition query to select “wetlands” in the “type” field. For invasive plants I selected only the species melaluca, since melaluca have a drastic effect on Florida’s wetlands. With this data I was able to create two maps containing all of the required data. The first showing melaleuca's encroachment on the State Parks in Martin County. The second showing the proximity of malaleuca to wetlands in Martin County. I really enjoyed this lab.

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